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Why You Should Consider a British Museum Out-of-Hours Tour with Your Kids

 Why You Should Consider a British Museum Out-of-Hours Tour with Your Kids

Why You Should Consider a British Museum Out-of-Hours Tour with Your Kids

Exploring the British Museum's treasures with your family can be an enriching experience, but have you ever considered embarking on an out-of-hours tour? In this article, we'll delve into why these tours are worth your consideration and how they can elevate your museum visit to unforgettable heights.


Discovering the British Museum's Out of Hours tours opens a door to exclusive access and expert guidance. These tours provide a unique opportunity to explore one of the world's most renowned museums in a whole new light, away from the hustle and bustle of regular opening hours.

What are Out-of-Hours Tours?

Out of Hours tours offer visitors the chance to delve into the British Museum's collections when it's closed to the general public. Led by knowledgeable guides, these tours provide in-depth insights into specific themes or collections, creating a more immersive experience for attendees.

Tour Details

These tours typically run from 8:50 to 10 in the morning, offering a peaceful and crowd-free environment for exploration. While there is a fee associated with these tours, the investment opens the door to a private tour experience at a fraction of the cost.

Tour Options

With various themes to choose from, including ancient Egypt, the ancient Greek world, China, and more, there's something to captivate every interest. Booking in advance is essential, as these tours tend to fill up quickly, especially during peak seasons.

The Benefits of Out-of-Hours Tours

Experiencing the British Museum before it officially opens to the public is a truly memorable experience. Not only does it offer a chance to avoid crowds, but it also provides a more intimate setting to appreciate the museum's treasures.

Personal Experience

As a frequent visitor to the British Museum, I can attest that taking my kids on an out-of-hours tour was a highlight of our visits. The excitement of exploring the museum in its quiet, uncrowded state left a lasting impression on both them and me.

Why Invest in Out-of-Hours Tours?

While the British Museum itself is free to enter, the value of these guided tours lies in the exclusive access and expert commentary they provide. Planning ahead and securing tickets well in advance ensures you don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity.

Making the Most of Your Visit

For families with children, it's essential to strike a balance between engagement and endurance during the tour. Additionally, taking advantage of the quiet museum spaces after the tour concludes can further enhance your overall experience.

Post-Tour Opportunities

After the tour ends, don't rush to leave. Instead, explore the museum at your own pace, enjoying the tranquility of less crowded exhibits before the general public arrives.


In conclusion, a British Museum out-of-hours tour offers a unique and enriching experience for families. From exclusive access to expert guidance, these tours provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of the museum's treasures.
